Club teams
We offer three levels of club teams at Frontier: Local, Regional, and National. We do not offer all levels at all age groups. Club teams practice for two hours three times a week. Two of those practices are team-based and consist of skills, drills, and gameplay. Once weekly, they attend an EDGE practice focusing on endurance, discipline, grit, and education.
What is the difference between the three levels of club teams?
Local: This is the entry-level club team. Like all other levels, local teams practice three times a week and participate in all local tournaments during the Club season (Late November to the end of March).
Regional: This is our intermediate-level team. Regional teams participate in all the local tournaments during the local Club season and travel out of state to a tournament once a year. Some regional teams may attend a second out-of-state travel tournament.
National: This is our highest-level team. National teams participate in local tournaments, attend at least one USAV National Qualifier, and compete for the Alaska bid to USAV Nationals in their age division. They travel out of state two to three times a year.
What is an EDGE Practice?
The EDGE practice is designed to develop the whole volleyball player. These practices will be formatted to include skill work, fitness training, and mindset training. Athletes will learn and practice the four keys of the EDGE.
Endurance - Athletes will have a 20-40 minute fitness session. They will learn proper mechanics to prevent injuries. All athletes will receive a weekly fitness plan that incorporates the weekly lessons on fitness, skills, and mindset principles.
Discipline—Athletes will learn the value of consistency, positive self-talk, and hard work. They will learn to develop SMART and micro goals to achieve positive gains.
Grit—Athletes will develop the skills to face challenges with confidence, courage, and resolve. EDGE practice will include a 20-40-minute mindset training.
Education - We will educate our athletes in volleyball skills, physical fitness, and competitive mindset. Our skills session will be 45-60 minutes and include blocked volleyball skills training. Many sessions will include video feedback.
What does it cost?
The base season cost for all teams is $950. This includes court time, coaches, local tournament fees, equipment (volleyballs, ball carts, etc.), administrative costs, two practice t-shirts, and an individual ball bag. Below is an example of the cost of one travel trip. The regional teams are expected to travel once a season, and the national teams are expected to travel two to three times a season.